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20 Inspiring Positive Affirmations For Christian Homes - Empowering Biblical Affirmations For Marriage | Kingdom Blueprint

Aug 12, 2023

One of the most beautiful and powerful affirmations in the Bible is found in Proverbs 31:10-11. “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.” This passage speaks directly to your wife’s worth, that far outweighs any material possessions that she may acquire. It also speaks to her ability to bring financial and emotional stability and security to your marriage.

A prayer for your wife can be found in Psalm 91:16. “With long life, I will satisfy him and show him my salvation”. This is a beautiful prayer asking God to protect, provide, and sustain your wife throughout her life. There is no greater gift that you can give to your wife than knowing she has the love and protection of God on a daily basis.


The Best Affirmations In The Bible & Prayers For Your Wife | Kingdom Blueprint

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The book of Colossians offers another great affirmation for your wife in 3:12-14 “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.

And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony”. This passage speaks to the power of love in binding a marriage together in unity and harmony. It also speaks to the need for patience, kindness, humility, and forgiveness when dealing with difficult situations that may arise in your marriage.

Prayers for Wisdom and Guidance With Affirmations: Speak Words that have Biblical Affirmations

Improve Your Prayer Life Everyday

Heavenly Father,

I come to You today asking for Your wisdom and guidance in my life. I need help navigating the complexities of life, and understanding how to do what is right and just. I pray that You would light my path so that I may live according to Your will. I also ask for strength and courage to face any difficulty that I may encounter along the way. Help me to remain steadfast in my faith and stay focused on You, no matter how hard things become.

I affirm that I am following the Lord's will and walking in obedience to His commands. As I trust in Him, He is leading me along the path of righteousness for His name's sake (Psalm 23:3). The wisdom from above is pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits (James 3:17). I ask for the Holy Spirit's guidance and strength to lead me in all my ways (Proverbs 16:9).

I am confident that when I seek God, He will answer my prayers and guide me along the right paths (Psalm 25:4-5). I thank Him for His wisdom as it leads to blessings beyond measure (Proverbs 3:13-14). I choose to act wisely and live according to God's Word - Proverbs 3:13. Lord, grant me the wisdom to make decisions that will bring glory to Your name and benefit others. May I always seek Your counsel before making any decision or taking any action.

Finally, Lord, I pray that You would help me to trust in You and Your plans for my future. Guide me with Your loving hand so that I may confidently follow the path You have laid out before me.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


O Lord,

I acknowledge You and thank You for Your many blessings. I come to You today asking for wisdom and guidance. I do not know the best way forward in my life, so I commit myself and all of my decisions to You. Give me wisdom beyond what is natural so that I may discern Your will for me more clearly. Help me to seek Your guidance and understanding in all matters, knowing that You will never leave me nor forsake me.

I thank You for the encouragement and strength I receive through reading Your word. Let these Biblical affirmations guide my attitudes and actions:

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God…and it will be given him.” (James 1:5). “The mind of a wise man will understand which way to go, but the mouth of a fool will swallow him up.” (Proverbs 4:7). “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Thank You, Lord, for Your help and guidance. I pray that I may have the courage to follow Your direction as I seek wisdom in all things. Amen.


We want to speak life every chance that we can in prayer and when we speak life we show God's love and reveals some of God's plan. God calls us to have faith-filled affirmations which will lead us closer to God's plan for our life. Marriage counseling is an option along with prayer, our own affirmations with bible verses to feel God's presence, a Godly family, and to show spiritual growth in a happy marriage where we married our best friend. This can be a great example of a love story in daily life where the great leader (husband) will feel respected in a marriage and focus on one another.


Biblical Affirmations for Marriage

In this post, there are biblical affirmations for marriage that can also use these affirmations for marriage restoration if that is your journey. There are also biblical affirmations for wife that you can pair with war room prayers for marriage restoration. For your affirmation of faith prayer life, you should have an affirmation prayer for protection, biblical affirmations for husbands, biblical affirmations for success, marriage affirmations for husband, and prayer affirmation examples.

As believers, we are called to model our marriages after the perfect love of Christ for his church. These biblical affirmations serve as reminders of our commitment to honor, cherish, and love our spouses in every season of marriage. They also serve as a source of hope and encouragement for those facing struggles in their marriages.

My Marriage is a Gift from God (Ephesians 5:22-33)

My wife is my crown (Proverbs 12:4)

My marriage is a reflection of God's love for us (1 John 4:7-8)

God has joined me and my spouse together, no one should separate us (Matthew 19:6)

I will love my spouse unconditionally (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

I will honor and respect my spouse at all times (Ephesians 5:33)

I will be faithful to my spouse and keep our marriage pure (Hebrews 13:4)

I will prioritize my marriage over everything else, including work and hobbies (Mark 10:8-9)

I will communicate openly and honestly with my spouse, trusting in God's guidance for our relationship (Ephesians 4:29)

I will forgive my spouse just as Christ forgives me (Colossians 3:13)

My marriage is a partnership where we serve and support each other (Galatians 5:13)

My marriage is a covenant before God and I will continually seek His guidance and strength to fulfill my role as a spouse.

In addition to these biblical affirmations, we can also find guidance and strength in prayer for our marriages. We can pray for protection against any attacks on our marriage, for success in building a strong and loving relationship with our spouse, and for wisdom to navigate any challenges that may arise.

As husbands, we are called to love our wives as Christ loves the church – sacrificially and selflessly. We can pray for the strength to fulfill this role and for God to continually mold us into the husbands He desires us to be.

As wives, we are called to submit to our husbands and respect them. We can pray for the grace and humility to do so, as well as for our husbands' success in their roles as leaders of our households.



Short Prayer for Wisdom and Guidance

Improve Your Prayer Life Everyday

Heavenly Father,

We come to you today asking for your guidance, wisdom, and discernment in our lives. We know that without You nothing is possible and all that we do must be done through faith in You. Help us to make wise decisions that will bring honor and glory to Your name.

Give us clear direction when faced with difficult choices and show us the right path to take. Despite our best efforts, we are sometimes overwhelmed by fear and confused by life's many paths. Help us to stay focused on what matters most and give us strength when faced with trials and tribulations. May Your Spirit guide us and keep us safe from harm as we navigate through these uncertain times.

We ask all of these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

Beginning Your Day With The Glory of God: I am affirmations in the bible

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I am affirmations from the Bible allow you to focus on the positive and keep your eyes and heart open to all the blessings God has given. The power of these affirmations is hard to underestimate, as the words are filled with encouragement, strength, love, and comfort. Once you start reading them each day, they will become a part of your life — an integral part of beginning a successful day.

We use positive affirmations for Christian lifestyle to ensure that we are feeding our spirit every day. When we feel down, we should have affirmations biblical ones are the most inspiring because it is not our word we are speaking out. Affirmations of God identify that God's love is for all of us. Bible affirmations do a simlar thing except they may not be scripture it could be about a story in God's word. " I Am affirmations In Christ" are to talk about identity and the need to that there are I Am affirmations from the bible as well.

First, what we learned from our Lord Jesus Christ is more than we are enough just as we are and do not have to change. However, the Lord Jesus Christ also wants us to grow through bible verses that bring the peace of God to our lives. God's wonderful peace is something that Christ Jesus felt while he was here. Christ Jesus has taught us to have the peace of God and the peace of God is in us through our Lord Jesus Christ. Our identity in Christ is through God promises and as we trust God and put our self-esteem in God's hands. His truths rooted in positive thoughts and positive statements we find joy and overflowing gratitude with everything we can speak these things in our lives.

Your Christian affirmations should always have some biblical foundation to them. Affirmations are of God and the positive affirmations for the Christian person are not about raising your ego. Biblical affirmations for any Christian is about knowing what God thinks of you. When we use what happens in the bible as affirmations we let the enemy know who we belong. I am affirmations this or that affirmations are to show who we are In Christ.

Affirmations are a critical way to get a breakthrough from God because it gives a deeper understanding of love of ourselves is love to God. God's breakthrough is the realization that a spiritual breakthrough or spiritual breakthroughs are about believing God moves as a good Father.

We must praise God as a kingdom principle and many believers forget to love themselves in the name of Jesus the same way that Jesus taught us to love our brothers and sisters in Christ as we would in God's kingdom. Spending time in the ministry of loving ourselves is not worship to ourselves, it is worship to the Lord and we are breaking away from Satan the devil while on Earth.

Biblical affirmations help us to communicate God's word to ourselves every day. Biblical affirmations are also a cornerstone of our belief in Christ Jesus and how our Lord Jesus Christ showed his love for us in God's word. When we say positive affirmations over ourselves it brings God's word into our life and those positive affirmations whether they're biblical affirmations or not help us grow spiritually. The word of God talks about God's love, His mighty power, and God's promises here in the bible.

By speaking positive affirmations, spiritual affirmations, and Christian affirmations that align with God's word, we are building a strong and courageous foundation of faith and trust in Him. These affirmations remind us of His love for us and help us to see ourselves as He sees us - as beloved children of God.


God bless the person who knows not only do positive affirmations have an impact on our spiritual well-being, but positive affirmations also have a positive impact on our physical and mental well-being. As we speak these Christian affirmations, we are reprogramming our minds to think positively, to trust in God's promises, and to have faith that all things are possible through Christ.

Positive affirmations for Christian lifestyle can also be used as a tool for evangelism. By sharing these Christian affirmations with others, we are spreading the good news of God's love and faithfulness. It can be a powerful way to bring hope and encouragement to those who may be struggling in their faith or in need of a reminder of God's love.

In addition to using Christian affirmations for ourselves, we can also incorporate them into our prayers, thanking God for His blessings and declaring God's promises over our lives.


As you focus on these affirmations, your faith will grow and the words will become more real to you. Not only that, but they will help to remind you of your purpose in life — to glorify God. In addition, having a regular practice of reading I am affirmations in the Bible can help keep us humble and open-minded; it helps us recognize our need for God’s help and guidance throughout each day.


As you read through these I am affirmations, make sure to take time to reflect on their meaning in your life. Ask yourself how they can help you live a more holy life — one that is more pleasing to God. If ever you feel discouraged or overwhelmed, simply pause and remember the words that you have read. Let them bring peace and joy to your heart, and may they remind you of the loving Lord who is always with you.

May these I am affirmations serve as a reminder of God’s faithfulness, mercy, and love for us all. May these words also encourage you to stay strong in your faith and trust in His plan for you. May they fill your heart with hope and remind you of the great things that God has in store for you. Amen.

Insert Your Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ in your prayer life with Bible Positive Affirmations:

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I am blessed (Deuteronomy 28:6).

I am chosen by God (1 Peter 2:9).

I am His child (John 1:12).

I am loved by God (Jeremiah 31:3).

I am forgiven (Ephesians 1:7).

I am an overcomer (Romans 8:37).

I am gifted and called by God (Ephesians 4:1-2).

I am chosen for a purpose (Isaiah 43:7; Ephesians 2:10).

I am filled with the power of the Holy Spirit (John 14:17).

I am strong in the Lord and His mighty power (Ephesians 6:10).

I am secure in God's love (Romans 8:39).

I am called to be a light to the world (Matthew 5:14-16).

I am made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).

I am deeply known by Him (Psalm 139:1-6).

I am healed and whole (Isaiah 53:5).

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13).

I have been given the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).

I am a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).

I have hope and a future in God's plans (Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 8:28).

I am an heir to the kingdom of God (Romans 8:17).

I can give thanks in all things (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

I am a citizen of heaven (Philippians 3:20).

I can find strength and peace through Jesus (Isaiah 26:3; Philippians 4:7).

I am confident that God is with me wherever I go (Joshua 1:9).

A Short Wisdom Prayer Life over your day

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May your journey of life be blessed with contentment that comes from within. May you find joy in the simple things and never lost sight of what matters most. May your heart be open to receiving love and compassion from others as you extend it out into the world. Finally, may you use this knowledge to create a life filled with purpose and meaning.

May peace always guide your path, we can pause to remember our gratitude and the many blessings in our lives. Even when life is hard, there are still many reasons for joy and peace. Let us say this prayer together: "God, thank you for the love that sustains me and the grace that protects me. Thank you to family and friends who offer comfort and support. Thank you for all of my blessings, seen and unseen. Lead me through each day with open eyes, ears, heart, and mind so I may better serve You." Amen.


May these words bring comfort during times of distress or uncertainty; may they remind us to be thankful for all our blessings! May God bless us all! Amen.

Dear Lord: Creating a Prayer with Your Wife

Prayer is an important part of marriage. Make sure that you speak biblical affirmations over her every day. It helps couples to express their love for each other and offers thanksgiving for all the good things they have. Praying together can also be a great way to reconnect after an argument or time apart. Here are some tips on creating a meaningful prayer with your wife:


1. Take time to reflect on the blessings in your marriage. Think of all the moments when you felt closest to one another and were thankful for each other’s presence.

2. Ask God to grant both of you patience and understanding as you navigate the difficulties that come with married life. Pray that you can forgive one another quickly, show mercy, and let go of any resentment.

3. Give thanks for the positive aspects of your marriage such as shared love, laughter, friendship, mutual support, and faithfulness to each other. Acknowledge how far you have come together since first saying “I do” and thank God for the journey ahead.

4. Ask God for guidance lacks wisdom and strength if you’re facing a hard time in your marriage. Pray that He will give both of you the courage to stay strong and work through whatever challenge is before you.

5. Finally, always end your prayer with expressions of gratitude for one another. Thank your wife for her love, support, and companionship – no matter how challenging things get.

Praying together provides an opportunity for couples to grow closer and strengthen their relationship as they face life’s ups and downs together. With practice, prayer can become a regular part of married life that always ends on a note of thankfulness and hope for the future.

How to partner with my wife and her prayers

1. Acknowledge the importance of praying together: Develop an understanding that both of your prayers are important and make it a point to pray together as often as possible. You may want to start by organizing regular prayer sessions in which you talk with each other about what is going on in each other’s lives and how God can provide comfort and guidance.

When you add Christ Jesus into your prayer life the power of Jesus Christ and the peace is such a blessing and your dear wife can engage in a mourning prayer That could be an amazing guest. As your precious wife Trust God with making a loving husband that morning prayer continues to be an amazing gift that is like good health or biblical affirmations. Instead of finding fault with your family structure or your children, you will recognize that interviewing and your wife as Christ loved with unfailing love. You have a desire to despise the evil one and amplify the inner beauty inside of your wife. Take your wife to a secret place and speak words of desire over her as she does with her biblical affirmations of you in her prayer life.


2. Show respect for each other's faith: Understand that prayer is meant to be between two people, so it’s important to show respect for each other’s beliefs during prayer time. Don’t criticize each other’s beliefs or try to prove why yours is better—just accept that they are different and focus on finding common ground.

3. Agree on the purpose of prayer: Before you start praying together, discuss what you both hope to get out of it and make sure that your goals are in alignment with each other so that neither one of you will feel like they’re being ignored or ignored in the conversation.

4. Listen to each other: When you pray together, take turns speaking and listen carefully to what your spouse is saying so that they know that their opinions are being heard and valued. Don’t be afraid to challenge each other’s thoughts in a respectful manner if needed but remember not to dismiss or judge them for having different beliefs than yours.

5. Follow through: After praying, follow up with each other to ensure that you’re both still on the same page about the things discussed and take any action steps that were discussed. This will help keep your relationship in a healthy place, as well as help strengthen your faith and connection with God.


By taking these steps, you can learn how to partner with your spouse in prayer. Praying together creates an intimate bond between two people who are dedicated to growing spiritually together. It also allows for open communication which is essential for any relationship. So don’t be afraid to give it a try—you might just find that praying as a couple can bring you closer than ever before!

Prayers for Wife, Daughter of the King, and Woman of God

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Almighty God,

We thank You for the women of faith in our lives. Through their example and leadership, may we be inspired to always seek Your will. Help us to understand that they are a reflection of Your love and mercy towards us. May we strive to be like them as dedicated servants of You, Lord.

Give these women strength and courage to continue their good works on behalf of Your kingdom. Bless them with wisdom and discernment so that their decisions bring glory to You alone. Help them stay focused on what is important and give them patience during difficult times. I thank you that you're righteous right-hand judges over her soul. I thank you very much for my dear wife and her allegiance to the church that is your house and it honors God's word. Protect these faithful women from harm and give them peace in their hearts that surpasses all understanding. We pray that every woman of God would experience the power of Your presence in her life and be reminded that You are always by her side.

We ask these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Heavenly Father,

We come before You today in praise and adoration. We thank You for our mother and daughter who is a princess in Your kingdom. We ask that You would fill her with Your presence and grace this day. Guide her steps and bless her with joy as she follows You. May she know the love of Jesus every moment, and may His peace rest upon her heart.

Lord, grant our daughter the strength to stand strong against the pressures of the world. Help her shine brightly as an example of faithfulness to all who meet her. Protect her from evil influences, and always point her toward truth. We pray that You will equip our daughter and soul with wisdom so that she can make wise choices in her life. Surround her with godly friends and mentors who will encourage her to become all You created her to be. Help our daughter to hear Your voice and hear it clearly, Lord. May she seek after You wholeheartedly and follow You faithfully all the days of her life.

In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for the beautiful blessing of my precious wife here. I ask that you would be with her today to give her strength and encouragement as she goes about her day. Bless her to have a heart that is willing and open to accept your guidance and love. Show her the way of truth and teach her how to live in your divine will.

Help me to be an example of love, honor, and respect in our relationship so that together we can glorify You through our words and actions. Strengthen our bond so that we can walk together in unity on this journey of life. Give us understanding hearts so we can forgive each other when mistakes are made or misunderstandings come up. Lead her in the paths of righteousness, and may she always keep You at the center of our home. May we continue to grow in love for each other, so that we can bring glory and honor to Your name. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Being the Head of the Home: Prayer for Wife and Mother

O Lord, we thank you for the many blessings in our lives. We thank you for giving us the amazing gift of marriage, a sacred union between two hearts that love and care for each other deeply. We also thank you for providing us with our wives who are strong, steadfast leaders in our homes. Bless them, Father, with wisdom and understanding as they bear the responsibility of leading their households. Give them peace as they try to balance the demands of family life and work life. Help them to be patient when problems arise and bring harmony among all members of the household. lord please godly affirmations that I give my wife each and every day and guidance direct them told your Holy Spirit. Additionally, we give thanks to our mothers who have mothered us through grace-filled moments and difficult times alike. Guide them as they continue to nurture and love their children and grandchildren. Help them to feel your presence every day and fill their hearts with a deep joy that can only come from you.

Father, bless all of our wives and mothers for the selfless sacrifices they make for us each day. I thank you for my wife and her prayers that have led me to such a blessing and huge breakthrough in my life many times. Give them strength in moments of weakness, courage when life is difficult, and peace when times are uncertain. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


When You Should Have a Prayer with your wife

When it comes to praying with your wife, there are times when it is most beneficial. Some of these times include:

• Before making important decisions - Praying together before making any major decisions can help you both understand the implications and potential outcomes more clearly. This will also help strengthen your bond as a couple as well as deepen your faith in God.

• When facing trials or hardships - During difficult moments, prayer can offer solace and guidance that is unique from anything else. Praying together ensures that you have each other’s support while seeking comfort in God during tough times.

• Whenever feeling disconnected - Life can get busy and sometimes couples feel like they don’t connect on an emotional level. Praying together can help re-establish that bond and remind you both of the importance of your relationship.


• When celebrating successes - Celebrating accomplishments or special occasions is a perfect time to come together in prayer and thank God for His blessings. This will also help deepen the gratitude for all He has done for you both. No matter what life throws at you, there’s no doubt that praying together as a couple can be a great source of comfort and connection. So, don’t be afraid to give it a try—you just might find that prayer makes your relationship stronger than ever before!

Definition of a Prayer wife

A prayer wife is a woman who has taken on the role of spiritual companion for another woman in her life. She takes on the responsibility of regularly praying with and for her “sister” in order to bring closer communion and closeness between them as they both seek God’s will and direction for their lives. Prayer wives often come alongside their sisters in times of trouble or distress, providing support and comfort during difficult seasons. Through prayer and intercession, they seek to build up each other's faith and help them live out the will of God for their lives. We thank You, Lord, for all the wonderful women of faith in our lives: our mothers, daughters, wives, and prayer partners. May we always remember to lift them up with our prayers as we seek Your guidance for our own lives. Amen.

Prayer for My Prayer Wife

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Dear Lord, thank you for the blessing of having a prayer wife in my life. I praise You for granting me such a wonderful gift; someone who can be my partner in faith, and help me stay focused on You during times of difficulty. I pray that she would be blessed by Your grace each day so that she can be an example of faith and courage. I thank you for the godly affirmation says she gives me every day and that we don't necessarily have to have a real romantic relationship to experience spiritual growth. I thank you that our relationship is based on faith and never fear Which fuels the enemy. Guide our hearts and minds to seek Your will in all things, so that we can continually deepen our relationship with You. Help us to be faithful in prayer and always be open to the guidance of Your Spirit. Strengthen the bond between my prayer wife and I so that we can come together in unity and glorify You through our words and actions.

We ask these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Discovering the Power of Having the Prayers of a wife in your life

Having a praying wife in a marriage is truly life-changing. Praying for your spouse can bring a special connection to the relationship that, when done in faith, will produce tangible results.

When praying for your spouse, start by thanking God for them and their unique gifts and talents. Ask Him to empower them with strength as they grow each day in knowledge and understanding of His Word and His ways. Pray specifically for any areas where you see obstacles or spiritual opposition to their growth and success. Asking God for grace and guidance not only brings peace into any situation but also releases faith to create positive change within it.


Also, pray that God bless and will cover your spouse with His protective covering every moment of the day. Remember that our enemy seeks only to bring division and destruction to relationships. Ask for God’s protection from any spirit of deception or attack, and pray that His perfection will be done in the marriage. I thank God that her affirmations are Christian in nature and nothing of any worldly or carnal mind. She wants me a journey that will lead me toward God and not away from Him.

Finally, don’t forget to ask God for strength, courage, and wisdom for yourself as you learn how to better love your spouse with patience, kindness, respect, forgiveness, and trust. Seek Him first each day so that He can fill your heart with His unconditional love and joy. As you continually lift up your spouse in heartfelt prayers before the Lord Almighty, watch the power of prayer transform both your life and marriage into something beautiful!

Unlocking the Power: War Room Prayers & Protection Prayers for my Husband

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Asking our Father is an invocation to give protection and strength to your husband, whatever he may be facing in life. It calls on spiritual forces such as angels, archangels, and other divine beings to guide him through every challenge and provide him with the courage and strength to overcome any obstacle. This prayer brings a peaceful comfort that reaffirms our faith in the power of love for each other and reminds us to always walk in grace. It is a reminder that what lies ahead for him will be filled with light and love, no matter how difficult or arduous the task may be. May this prayer bring you both courage and peace as your husband navigates through life’s journey.


Heavenly Father, I come before you today asking for your protection and strength for my husband. May he feel your presence with him in every step of his journey, knowing that you are the source of all power and wisdom. Guide him in each decision he makes, giving him clear direction as to the path he should take.

Help him to be brave in the face of life’s challenges, giving him the courage to persevere no matter how difficult the task may be. Let him know that you are by his side at all times, and always watching over him with unconditional love and kindness. Protect my husband from negative influences as he pursues his dreams, guarding him against fear and doubt. Give him the strength to remain focused on what matters most in life, helping him to stay true to himself and to always walk in grace. Remind him that he is loved, cherished, and supported with every breath he takes. May the love between us be a source of strength for evil one and him, never wavering even when life seems unbearable at times.

In Your tender mercy, Lord God Almighty, keep my husband safe under the shelter of your wing. Guide him through the shadows of fear and despair, showing him a path that leads to the light. No matter what he may be going through in life, give him your peace that surpasses all understanding.

In Jesus’ name, I offer this prayer, Amen.


Daily Prayer for my Husband

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Heavenly Father, I thank you for bestowing my loving husband with your many blessings. Thank you for providing him with strength and courage each day, enabling him to face life’s challenges head-on. Help him to stay positive and confident in the knowledge that you have a greater plan for his life. Bless him with an abundance of joy and peace as he pursues his aspirations. Grant him wisdom and discernment to make sound decisions, giving him the clarity of thought he needs to succeed. Protect him from any harm or danger that may come his way, shielding him under your wings of grace. Let him feel your presence with him in all that he does, knowing that you are always there for guidance and support.

Remind him daily of how much he is loved, for I love him with all my heart and soul. Be his strength when his own falters, giving him the courage to keep going no matter how difficult life may be at times. Give us both clarity so that we can always find our way back to each other in times of need.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Asking For Protection Prayers for my Husband

Heavenly Father, I come before you today asking for your protection and guidance for my husband. Shield him from all physical and emotional harm, keeping him safe under the shelter of your wings. Protect him from any negative influences that may try to sway his path, giving him will and the peace and clarity of thought he needs to make wise decisions. May he feel empowered by your divine grace in all that he does, knowing that you are always with him providing strength and wisdom. Grant us both courage and perseverance as we navigate life’s journey together, never losing faith even when things seem bleak at times. Let our love be a source of comfort to one another, enabling us to stay connected through every challenge we may face. Help us reach out to each other even in moments of despair, so that we can always find our way back home.

In Jesus’ name, I offer this prayer, Amen.

May the Lord bring peace and protection upon my husband, and may he be surrounded with love and light for all his days. Amen.

Prayer for my Husband

Heavenly Father, I come before You seeking Your divine guidance and protection for my husband. Bless him with an understanding heart that he may seek Your will in all things. Guide him in his decisions and strengthen him whenever he is feeling weak. Help him to find faith when life becomes difficult and give him the courage to face the obstacles that come his way. Give him the wisdom to be a leader in our home and an example for our children. Protect him from any harm and keep him safe from all danger. Fill his heart with love and loyalty so that he may remain faithful to You, me, and our family.

Lord, I ask that You give my husband peace of mind so that he can enjoy life to the fullest. Help him to find joy in each day and grant him strength for the journey ahead.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

The Need For Spiritual Warfare: War Room Prayers

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When it comes to spiritual warfare, the need for prayer is more important than ever. In a world filled with sin and darkness, our only defense is to pray in the power of the Holy Spirit and stand firm in faith. That’s why war room prayers are necessary; they focus our attention on God’s Word and remind us that He alone can bring victory against our enemies.

War room prayer is a powerful tool for spiritual warfare, as it helps us to call on the power of God’s Spirit to fight for us in times of trouble and conflict. It also provides an added layer of protection from temptation and forces us to rely on Him for strength during difficult situations.

We can use war room prayers to declare our faith in Him and ask for His guidance, protection, and power against the spiritual forces of evil. Waroom prayers are always bible affirmations or affirmations that are always Christian in nature affirmations that are affirming your spirit. God hears our prayers and God gave us things only God could give in His own way and we are set free in His holy name.

They amplify the need for the spiritual battle without living from a carnal mindset. War room prayer also helps us to stay focused on God’s word and promises, which are two of our most powerful weapons in spiritual warfare. When we read an inspiring passage from scripture or pray a specific prayer related to the battle we’re facing, it gives us renewed hope and courage to stand firm in the faith. We become reminded that nothing is impossible with God, no matter how difficult our situation may seem.

Finally, war room prayer is a great way for us to connect with other believers who are fighting the same spiritual battles as we are. By praying together in unity and agreement, we demonstrate our faith in God and gain strength from each other. It’s a wonderful way to encourage one another and fight together for victory over the enemy.

Loving On Yourself: I am Affirmations in Christ

Affirmations for any Christian are an important part of self-care, and Christians can benefit greatly from practicing positive affirmations each day. Affirmations can be biblical however, they do not have to be because affirmations are not made purely for religious purposes. They're about amplifying your relationship with the most high God without making them just rules and words to repeat. Here are some specific affirmations for Christians that will help you to practice self-love:

1. I am deeply loved by God.

2. I have been given great gifts and talents to share with the world.

3. I am capable of accomplishing great things with God's help.

4. I can be a positive force in my community and for good health for those around me.

5. I have the strength to face any challenges that come my way.

6. The Holy Spirit is living within me guiding and strengthening me every day.

7. I am worthy of God's unconditional love.

8. I have the courage to trust in God and follow His will for my life.

9. I am surrounded by a loving community that supports me and encourages me on my journey.

10. I am loved no matter what obstacles stand in my way.

Practicing self-love through affirmations can help you to stay focused on the positive and remember your worth in God's eyes. Embrace the possibility of an amazing future with God at your side!


The power of Christ Jesus is in your soul and if you're using biblical affirmations you will have the power to access it. Biblical affirmations not only help you with fear they bring hope into your everyday life. As we go to church we hope to rest and grow in our prayer life and biblical affirmations can help you do so. No matter what you do to engage in prayer in your war room, pray for your wife, pray for your husband, or figure out different versions of prayer you need to make sure that you include biblical affirmations for reference. Ask Christians wanna make sure that our perspective isn't the only one we're using!

Our Blog Posts are made with a biblical basis and are combined with personal experience. Our coaching has led people to marriage restoration testimonies!!!!
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Kingdom Blueprint: Taking People From Just Believing God To Breakthrough From God


Aaron or Mary Dade wants to be the first person to help you with a breakthrough today by spending time with God on a new level of faith in the Lord. As believers, we all have moments of doubt and uncertainty in our spiritual journey. Using affirmations you can achieve the breakthrough that you are looking for with God. Realizing that you are God's handiwork and choosing to live by faith instead of fear will bring you closer to your relationship with the Lord.

Definitely when we are discussing marriage or committed romantic relationships. We are here to talk about marriage and what should be expected in your prayer life, communication, and relationship with your spouse.

This includes understanding the Bible as the ultimate authority and seeking a personal relationship with God through prayer and living out His teachings in everyday life. Let's continue on this journey together, learning and growing in our faith as we strive for a deeper understanding of God and His word. As Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Let's continue to walk in the light of His word and grow together as believers.

The last thing on your mind should be more ways to please man and for the first time you will see a blog dedicated to everything about God. We want you to feel like anything, certain new things, and everything leads you closer to Him. We help explain the bible, how to pray, live a life of faith, and what to look for from your prayer life with the Lord. Search this blog with the navigation of similar posts to see all the topics we discuss.

Exploring the concept of spiritual warfare in the real world and engaging in in-depth discussions about it on this blog. Our blog is a place where we share our personal experiences, struggles, and breakthroughs in our relationship with God. We believe that these stories can help inspire and encourage others who are also on their journey of faith. In this post, we want to delve into the topic of spiritual warfare and how it manifests itself in our daily lives.

Spiritual warfare is a term used to describe the battle between good and evil, where supernatural forces are at play. It may sound like something out of a fantasy novel, but for many people, spiritual warfare is a very real and ongoing struggle.

The concept of spiritual warfare might seem unfamiliar or daunting to some. However, Christians must grasp its significance and impact. Ephesians 6:12 guides us with a powerful message, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."

This scripture eloquently highlights that as believers, we find ourselves in an unseen spiritual conflict. It's a battle that transcends the physical realm, affecting every individual universally.


In addition to sharing our own experiences, we also provide helpful tips and advice on how to deepen your connection with God. From understanding the Bible to cultivating an effective prayer life, we cover a wide range of topics that are essential to growing in your faith.

But our blog is not just about personal growth. We also believe in the power of community and coming together to serve others. That's why we share information about various causes and organizations that align with our beliefs and mission as Christians.


Now, Mary teaches concepts about spiritual breakthroughs from the knowledge she gained in a women's bible study. Mary believes that spiritual breakthroughs are an essential part of one's faith journey. She defines it as a significant shift in one's perspective, understanding, and relationship with God. These breakthroughs can come in various forms, such as realizing a new truth from scripture, experiencing deep emotional healing, or powerfully encountering God. Spiritual breakthroughs are unique to each individual and can happen at any point in their faith journey.


Mary also emphasizes the importance of community in experiencing spiritual breakthroughs. She believes that God created us for relationships, and we need others to help us grow in our faith.

They talk about the need for guidance to keep praying for your marriage. Especially, if you are struggling with demonic attacks, need specific wisdom from the Holy Spirit, or contemplating something much more divisive you need to pray for your marriage.

If you are looking for a breakthrough from God and the direction of the Holy Spirit, then, this is the blog for you. Kingdom Blueprint helps people achieve spiritual breakthroughs in many areas of their lives. The purpose of a spiritual breakthrough in Jesus Christ is to know that you are not alone with your faith or prayer walk. There is a difference between believing God and Christ Jesus are there to help you and only God can lead you through your current situation, and seeing God's word and God's promises work in your life.


God hears everything in your whole life from your heavenly prayer language to your current situation positive or negative. He is a good father who wants you to see a breakthrough manifest as you pray like many believers in Jesus' name. God gave Kingdom Blueprint authority through personal experiences on how to walk this difficult journey so, we can help others the same way we were helped. Learning with Kingdom Blueprint means you will learn how to get a breakthrough from God all the time. We discuss declarations and decrees to speak your world into existence. It is not a prosperity gospel it is about speaking life and not death in your life.

Whether you are praying in the spirit for a blessing, hope, wisdom, or just His glory we present this blog to help you. We are always praying for protection for all things in God. Go Your prayers for your relationship are also heard when you pray in faith for your friend, family, and even strangers!

About The Authors:

Aaron and Mary Dade are the proud owners of Kingdom Blueprint, bringing years of experience and expertise to the table.  They help others as Christian life coaches or in specified cases they can be the relationship coach as well. Mary specializes in emotional trauma, child development, and Court of Heaven teachings, while Aaron is a master at communication, strategy, and implementation of God's Word. The duo has helped countless people restore their marriages after divorce or separation, teaching them to better understand identity in Christ, parenting techniques, and self-sabotage prevention methods - all within the context of marriage restoration. They work on helping other family relationships from the ground up. With their passionate commitment to helping people find peace and joy in relationships with one another and with God, the Dade's look forward to continuing their ministry for many years to come.


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This Christian blog is to be used for informational purposes only. The fundamental purpose of this blog is to present information about God to help others further their relationship with Him.

We encourage and provide information for different versions of your prayer life, marriages, and lifestyle decisions so that people living or trying to live a Christian life can identify and self-correct all versions of sin. Our approach to the presentation of the information on this blog will be similar to non-denominational church perspective.

Kingdom Blueprint will always desire to bring people closer to God and appreciates all denominations drive and internal strategy to bring people to Him. While we have an abundant appreciation for every denomination, we maintain a unique and motivated non-biased conclusion to all denominations.

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